The Roofer's Guide To Software: What Is Arrivy?
This is the second in my series of posts, The Roofer's Guide To Software. If you missed the first one, you can find it here: The Roofer's Guide To...
3 min read
Adam Sand
Feb 13, 2023 8:45:00 AM
This article is by Tim Brown, CEO of Hook Agency – a 20-person Google-specialized team focused on marketing roofing companies, that writes content for you and reports monthly on SEO + PPC progress + leads with a live dashboard.
It’s no secret that most roofing companies are not far from the stone age, and that includes the types of things they do manually, when they could automate them.
Not only do you waste valuable time – you could end up having to hire miscellaneous people just to maintain inefficient processes.
Some people don’t want to spend money on software and end up hiring a whole additional salary to avoid a 30k a year set up + fee. When you make the jump, roofing software can take your business to the next level.
❌ Asking for reviews – The old way: Send them a text, e-mail, and wait for a couple weeks – and maybe remind them again.
✅ Asking for reviews – The new way: There are too many software options for this to count, but at the end of each job, you could use a tool like Hubspot or Birdeye to automatically send a reminder to review if you did a great job. This way the request goes out when it makes sense, not sporadically – thus a more pleasant experience for a customer, rather than a disjointed one.
❌ Creating better looking proposals – The old way: Higher-end projects could take multiple days to put something together, requiring a designer every time to justify a higher price-tag.
✅ Creating better looking proposals – The new way: RBP can help you automate elements of proposal creation (for instance, with Sumoquote and Hubspot,) and elevate the look of your proposals far beyond anything your competitors are doing. This way, your customer can get their proposal sooner – rather than waiting days to get something nice, or getting an ugly list with prices.
❌ Gifting at the end of a job complete – The old way: Have an administrative person coordinate with a gifting service, order, and send something to increase referrals.
✅ Gifting at the end of a job complete – The new way: Whatever CRM you use – Dope marketing and has integrations to send luxury cookies and other sweet treats to thank a homeowners for using your company. You can even utilize their ‘handwritten notes’ (done by automation as well!) Want to send company swag or wine and chocolate gift packs? It’s all possible and integrated within Hubspot for easy one-click sending…. Or even AUTOMATED sending!
The idea here is not to automate every piece of work in your company (although that would be nice 😜).
The idea is to really think about what’s important in your business, and what could be subtracted or simplified. May I suggest using this framework first: “Delete, Delegate (or automate,) Defer, Do.”
Delete – Look at all your processes, is there anything that’s not serving you anymore? Any duplicate meetings, processes or systems? This is on YOU as an owner or executive oftentimes, because employees want to keep their job and don’t necessarily always want to get rid of ‘make work.’
Delegate (or Automate) – What can you hand off, or better yet, automate. From Zapier (connects multiple softwares to each other,) to Roofr (budget online roof measurement tool with a free option,) to Hubspot (premiere CRM with hundreds of connections to other softwares) – more and more mundane administrative tasks can be taken off your team’s plate.
Not a programmer? No sweat! Work with a company like RBP – to identify process, software, and automation opportunities in your business, and have them set up for you. Get started now.
Defer – A wise man (Dustan Biegler) once told me one of his most important attributes as a 100M+ roofing company leader is restraint. He has a spreadsheet with all of his ‘great ideas’ that he’ll come back to every couple of months (and generally not take action on.) When you have a side project or crazy idea – it goes in here, and you get back to your primary purpose.
How to Choose Great Business Partners in Roofing (w/ Dustan Biegler of Apple Roofing)
Deferring also comes in very handy if you have an insane week – you can send your unimportant tasks into next week, or to a ‘Maybe Someday’ list.
Do – Only after you’ve gotten rid of all the things that that you can delete, delegate, or defer, “do” is what you want to set into your to-do list, and not a minute sooner. Prioritization is essential if you’re going to be wildly effective.
“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” – Henry David Thoreau
Go ahead – imagine what it will feel like to have half your administrative tasks automated.
Think about how much more you could focus your processes on delighting your customers and improving the overall efficiency of your business.
Does this kind of thinking remove busy-work and open up the opportunity for another killer salesperson, or keep your current salespeople from burning out?
Don’t get stuck dreaming – connect with RBP now to create processes that reduce sales friction and increase customer satisfaction.
This is the second in my series of posts, The Roofer's Guide To Software. If you missed the first one, you can find it here: The Roofer's Guide To...
This is the first entry in my new series aimed specifically at the software we at Roofing Business Partner recommend for taking your roofing company...
Why I Wrote this: